American Atom is a superhero from the broken dreams continuity of the goldaverse
However unlike most post war heroes within this reality who are illegal or vigilante heroes, American Atom Is a If not the only hero sanctioned by the US government
Created by accident in the 60s the American Atom Is an atomic hero whose body may have been destroyed by Atomic energies but his mind wasn't and reformed using these energies, however although his mind wasn't destroyed it was fractured causing him to forget who he was
The government seeing an opportunity jumped on is and gave him a new government sanctioned personality and identity as the American Atom, the atomic man who fights against communism and is an unknowing pawn to America's biggest enemy, but I won't spoil who that is
Do to forgetting his identity he is in almost a consistent state of silent turmoil however the love he has for his country, it's citizens and good people in general cause these darker thoughts and self doubt to go to the back of his mind,
how ever he does have someone to confide in about his situation, long time friend and wealthy scientist Teddy who trys his best to help his friend remember who he was and be there for him when Atom needs to vent his emotions and let loose a bit
These visits become all the more frequent after he's put in charge of tracking down the illegal superhero group the 6th squadron and he begins to see the darker and more villainous acts of his government in a light where it's becoming harder and harder to excuse them,
Doubt is almost the core of the American Atom, doubt about his identity, doubt in his government, doubt in his ideals, and untill he can make sense of it all and cut through the lies and strings that bind him, he will not and can not sleep soundly at night