im a dude who like comics and cartoons, both creating and reading/watching em, hope yall enjoy what i make as much as I enjoyed making em

Age 23, Male

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I've been around for a while, well, thats perhaps a understatement to some, but from my perspective it isn't, But then again, time and other such concepts are so much smaller then me, they might as well be like an atom to the physical worlds.

But like the atom is to the physical worlds, elements like time, space and even things that could be considered words, are to me, so despite how minuscule they may seem compared to my stature, they are an undoubtedly important part of my being, without which I wouldn't necessarily exist as I am, so in short, time is one of my building blocks.

But just because time is a part of me doesn't mean it affects me as it affects others, like I don't "see" in chunks, but all at once, although my sight doesn't necessarily work as yours does, as I don't need eyes, just people knowing me to be able to "see", and then my more traditional minds can take all this information from everywhere I have, am or will look and make sense of it, and describe it in word those physically bound can comprehend.

Like at this moment, I'm now seeing a time before time as we know it, I'm seeing all the time during that terrible first calamity when everything was at war and my light really started to shine for the first time, the wants of justice by mindful souls became plentiful and unavoidable, then things settled down for a good long run.

Now I'm seeing when I eventually became a spirit of good, aswell as THE spirit of justice to the mortal souls of this continuity, I even met Michael, Walter and his son and of course that boys girlfriend, all for the first time, and lent them my power, and well, things where going quite happily for this first run.

That is until the day came where one of The First, (in fact it was The First, who I now call friend), made a Discovery, had an epiphany and decided to rewrite everything and put in new chapters to the book, so to speak, kinda.

Now most didn't even notice this calamity caused by The First's hand, The vast majority of conscious beings living in or connected to the mortal continuums where either so far below or beyond physicality that this event didn't really affect them. 

However for a being such as I, it did, And my goodness was it something gorgeous to witness, to feel, My consciousness, that I had already assumed lacked a true limit for at least an eternity, suddenly with an almost calming explosion gained new dimensions to it, levels beyond what I had known with sights into realities where I scarcely recognized what my light, my color, or even what I was and connected to physically and metaphysically.

In a few worlds I remember seeing through the shining eye of a tall spire, sitting on the shore of a prosperous city during a prosperous time full of, ultimately, empty people, one of these individuals sat in a large house directly across from me in this form, and would look over frequently, twas a sad affair, tragic.

In another I was a star, monumental in size and with power I almost couldn't believe, however despite the majesty of my beingness here, and the beauty of the celestial landscape that surrounded me, the horrors of this reality made themselves apparent to my cosmic vision and right after that, I discovered my relative helplessness.

I could not speak, I could not move, the well of power that was inside this vessel of mine, no, WAS this vessel of mine, It was completely denied me by a coffined skull who lorderd over this body and particular multi continuum as a whole as tyrannical kingpin of doom.

I was ultimately only able to watch as countless died a true and total death in the pursuit of obliterating this roaring snaggletoothed beast from this reality, which they eventually did, excellent, although at a price, and with arguably worse evils taking the former grotesque skull lord's place, interesting.

And yet in another world, instead of my light being that of justice, It was of determination, although in a way also still represents justice, and it was harnessed by creatures who thought themselves wise, but these children, they harnessed my power from my echo in this reality, and eventually made these queer devices to channel my power that they would give out to those deemed worthy, who would become peace keepers of the literal stars, fighting for justice, they even have masks, all like Walter from my home In some ways.


My home, in the literal infinite cosmic landscape of my mind, where omnidirectional and temporally limitless thinking is ordinary and constant, Not until now have I once thought of that continuum as my home, or if I have I never noticed.

I think it's time to go home then, at least the active 3rd dimensional part of my consciousness, besides, I'm needed there more then these other places at the moment, they have there own vessels of my power and echos of my will, and that Sam fellow back home must be dealt with, I also think that Michael is ready for my gift again, although technically this will be the first time for this version to receive my blessings.

Goodness, this kind of thinking is so complicated, how do those physical thinker beings put up with it.

Now where was I, ah yes, alright I do believe Walter will need some assistance on this one, especially with what Sam has been up to, and I know just the seer to seek out for a helping hand.

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